Friday, February 13, 2015

Week 41 & 42 in Japan: Bus tour of Akita, last day of kindergarten, 10 pictures!

      Hello and thanks for checking out my blog again.
      The 30th of June through the 4th of July was a fairly awesome week. I remember I got to help train some workers at a big bank in town as a favor for a friend. The workers were trying to practice some business/bank conversation because the bank was going to start a branch in Thailand and needed some of the workers to go over to train the Thai people. I got a 10 dollar book store gift certificate for helping but I was just happy with the experience of checking out a real Japanese business and seeing a little of how it worked. As for the 4th of July I first went to Yurihonjo to teach my last English class of the year there! I felt sad being done with the lessons; teaching there ended up being one of my favorite and most treasured expereiences in JAPAN! Later when I got back to Akita I spent the rest of the day with a friend I made just recently. We didn't do anything 4th of July related because as I found out most people don't know of that holiday in Japan (or maybe just outside the USA)  A much different 4th of July for me but I enjoyed it.
     Over the weekend I went on a bus tour with some of the other international students. We went to so many places along the way but I'll just highlight a few. One of the first stops was at a very old mine (and volcano if I remember right). The mine is mostly inactive now but they give tours all around inside the mine where people used to dig hundreds of years ago. One cool thing I remember is that if there was an earthquake outside, inside the mountain we probably would not even feel it! It was funny cause he said this shortly after I was thinking that maybe an earthquake would trap us inside. Another cool stop we made was the top of mount Hachimantai (八幡平). This mountain peak is over 1600 meters high so it was a really spectacular time. This mountain is actually right on the border between Iwate and Akita prefectures so this was the one part of the tour we ventured outside of Akita. That night we stayed at a place owned by the university. We had great traditional meals and got to relax in the hot springs.
     The second day of the trip was equally as exciting. One thing we did was visit Lake Tazawa (田沢湖) which is the deepest lake in Japan and the 17th deepest worldwide. The lake is really beautiful and never freezes because of how deep it is. Another stop we made was at a pottery place. We all spent an hour or two making clay cups or whatever we dared to make. We only had a little instruction prior to creating works ourself so I felt closer to a kid with play-doh than a sculptor. On the way back we got to tour a rice wine or 'Sake' factory. Akita is known for it's rice products and that definitely includes this alcoholic beverage. We got to go through and see how everything is made and even got the chance to sample and buy some at the end. I could write so much about the places I've listed and I've left out some places but this weekend trip was really one of my favorite weekends in Japan.
     The following week was a busy one. Between classes, parties, and football practice I remember this week feeling especially busy. One one day I remember after classes and my part time job I went to my host family's house for the first time in months for a barbeque they were having. I actually got lost on my bicycle trying to find it because I hadn't been there in so long. The barbeque was amazing with so many different types of food. In the USA usually a BBQ is hot dogs, burgers, chicken, and some chips or something. But this was really a feast and I ate sooo much food like kabobs and lots of veggies, beer, tried new foods, plus sun shiny weather. In addition I had made plans to meet with another group of friends at a bar/restaurant after that BBQ. I have a hard time saying no when people invite me to something. If it is something I want to do I feel like I can make time for it in my schedule. On Sunday I had a football game and we lost by a great margin. The team we faced was from Iwate University and they were just a better team. The seemed faster and bigger but the biggest advantage they had was probably what I would describe as a high level of organization and discipline. I had a great time getting beat up against them and it was a great final game to be in. The loss was a great motivator for the team to get ready for the season in the Fall when the wins and losses really matter.
     Thanks for reading! Holla at me below in the comments~~~~~~~~~
 Little shop kinda in the middle of nowhere found on the hike seeing geysers onthe Tazawako trip.
 Cute dog!

 Last day of teaching!
 Took a pottery class on the trip! My friend Dogina on my right.

 In the clouds! 1600m high with Chenmin

 Group shot :))

 Loved this lake! Great for swimming too(thats for a later blog post)
 my friend Zen

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