Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 18 in Japan: The Cove Conversation and Preparing for finals

Week 18 in Japan didn't have any highlights like going to an Onsen for the first time but was enjoyable nonetheless. On Tuesday night at my part time job leading an English Conversation circle we talked about Japanese killing dolphins in "The Cove" in Taiji, Japan. We watched some clips from different news stations covering the killing of whales in Japan. Nobody there was against the killings of dolphins, I thought that was interesting to hear. The main thing for them was they didn't see it any different from killing cows, chicken or anything else for food. It's not like issues in America where the younger and older generation are a lot of times split. I watched the movie "The Cove" years ago when it came out but other than that a few news clips we watched I don't know much about the dolphin killings and neither did the Japanese people at the discussion. Also out of the roughly eight Japanese students there only one of them knew of a time where they actually ate dolphin. What I heard from a Japanese Professor is that a lot of times things lalbled as whale in the supermarket will actually be dolphin. Also I believe some of the dolphins are also captured for academic research. Anyways it was an interesting coversation time. On Friday I met with two friends Alina from Romania and Kano who is Japanese. We started planning our trip and looking for tickets to go to South Korea at the end of this coming summer. They want to buy things now so they are cheaper. I don't know anything about plane tickets but it seems like we should still have a little time before ticket prices start going up. Saturday I mainly did homework and some programming. It was actually well over 40 degrees too so I went outside and enjoyed the weather a little bit. Even if I don't have anything I really need to do I usually find a reason to get a little walk in everyday. Fresh air and a little movement are important I think. Sunday I was pretty busy mainly with an English thesis I'm correcting for my friend Keika. It's a final thesis for graduation and she asked me to find mistakes. I'm happy to help but it was about 30 pages long and was actually a lot of work. She was thanking me so much when I quickly and happily told her I would help and now I realize why. Anyways it feels good to work hard and also to do something important for somebody else. Not a lot to the blog this week but I hope you enjoyed it anyways. Thanks for reading!

 Heres the only picture I took this week. This is Palguem from Korea on the left, Karen from Tawain on the right, and Maru in the middle who is a dog we saw and were playing with for a little while.


  1. You know how much I was moved by "The Cove"!! Those dolphins have feelings and are murdered and/or separated from there families. Plus we raise cows/chickens to eat them, the dolphins are in the wild and an important part of the eco system. And like you said there isn't even a high demand for dolphin meat :(
    Your hippy sister

  2. Usually the earlier you get tickets, the better deal you can get. My cousin said when she went to Japan, she booked her roundtrip ticket to South Korea, and the airline lets you stay in Japan as a layover for however long. So she was there in Japan for like over one year, and then ended up visiting South Korea before returning to the US - all on the same ticket. She said she visited South Korea basically for free that way, and went to the well-known church there in Seoul.
